This morning I woke up with the following question in my head:
“Which is greater for you: Your love of God or your fear of going to hell?”
This was a no-brainer for me. My freedom to love others is wrapped up in the first option, the second is just chains.
And although I do not fancy myself a profound theologist for the above pondering, I later found myself musing, “Which is more accurate in terms of cartoons—Trump:Musk = Ren:Stimpy or Trump:Musk = Pinky:The Brain (or vise-versa)?” There are reasons I do not take myself too seriously.
Third and last though of the evening (that I wish to share anyway—there will certainly be more to keep me from sleeping.) is regarding a social media meme I saw that stated, “Two things we need to do this year: Put the “thanks” back into Thanksgiving and the “Christ” back into Christmas”. This was from a US citizen living in a “red” state. I wanted to ask, “Did someone come into your house and take away your thankfulness, steal your Bible, and say ‘no more Jesus for you!’? When did that happen? Who took those things away from you? I live in a different state—a ‘blue” one—and that has not happened to me. Do I need to write a letter to your governor? It would seem that your Constitutional rights have been violated!” I did not leave that comment, because I really don’t believe those things were taken from them. I really believe, at least in the US, it’s just persecution narrative, which is shameful, given that plenty of Christians are suffering—I mean really SUFFERING—from actual persecution. Ugh. Old complaint of mine—stomping my foot against such made-up dramas-- since the traumatizing tragedy of Starbucks holiday cups. (We’re all done with that one now, right? Right??)
Anyway, I have attached a quick scribble of my take on American Gothic – 2025 vibe. Lot’s of blue splatter because I think it’s gonna rain, y’all, on the good and the bad, the God loving and the hell-fearing.